Friday, September 04, 2009

Happy Friday

Thank God it is Friday and the Labor Day weekend is here.  I try to thank God every day for life and for all of the wonderful things he has put in my life and around me for my pleasure.  I thank God for my health, for my family, for my job, for the things that I have.  I pray for my friends who I know that struggle with depression in hopes that God will allow them to enjoy some rays of sunshine in their lives.  I sometimes struggle with situational depression in which I go through moments of time where external circumstances or stupidity on my part causes me to get depressed or upset.  Luckily for me I have the ability to pull myself out of the slump and try to focus on the future instead of the past. I thank God that he is in control of the bigger picture and I am not.  If you think life or the world around you is messed up now, you have no clue how messed up it would be if I had the controls.  I am reminded of the young lady that won American Idle not too long ago who wrote the song Jesus take the wheel.  Like most of us we do not cry out to God until our lives are like the young woman in the car who is spinning out of control.  That is when we are more likely to call out to God and ask him to make everything right.  

I am looking forward to three days off away from work.  I am very thankful that I am employed full time and I have medical benefits for my family and we live in a very nice place.  One of the things that I am not to fond of about my job is the symbiotic relationship that I have with it.  In other words most of you when you leave your job do not have to think about it again until you arrive again for work on Tuesday morning.  I on the other hand am on call 24x7 and I can get an sms text message or an e-mail or phone call that will snap me out of my personal time back to the computer network that I manage.  Luckily for me our business is not 24x7 and our locations shut down sometime between 6 pm and 8 pm for the night.  That means that once I go to sleep around midnight or 1 am that I probably wont be disturbed until 7:30 am or later.  This also motivates me to make sure that all of the systems I am responsible for stay well maintained and that I have monitoring in place that will notify me at the first hint of trouble so I can log in from remote and fix things quickly before anyone else is even aware of it. 

Later on in September or early October we are planning to take an extended weekend and fly out to Denver Colorado to visit friends of ours.  I have known these particular friends since the early 90's and I speak to them online almost every day or several times per week.  My friend James has worked his way through the process of getting his private pilots license and is now able to do solo flights which means that he will be coming to visit us here in the Charleston area some time soon by flying here.  How awesome is that people? 

I need to pull my head out of the blogosphere and stick it back into the computer network that I am supposed to be managing and get back to work.  It has been nice to drivel in here for a little bit.  I love to write and to share this and that with the rest of you.  I hope that you have a restful, safe and blessed weekend over the Labor Day weekend. 


Posted via web from chiefpropellerhead's posterous

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