Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Increased Threat Condition to level 2 by Symantec

Good morning

I sent this out to my co workers this morning and I want to share it with the rest of my friends.


Good morning


Symantec has raised their worldwide Threat Condition to level 2 last night thanks to new threats and vulnerabilities. 


There have been 7 reported and confirmed Viruses, worms or Trojans and there are 9 Microsoft Office vulnerabilities that have been exploited this month alone.   Here at the office we are protected but you need to be aware of these dangers so you can also protect yourself at home. 


Here are some simple guidelines for protecting your personal data.


  1. always do a routine backup of all data to an external source such as DVD or CDR media or external drive
  2. if at all possible image your hard disk in case of total drive failure
  3. locate your rescue CD and have it handy in case you have to rebuild your computer
  4. Make sure Windows Updates are set to automatically update your computer at a time that it is running
  5. Make sure you have an updated version of Anti Virus software and Anti Spyware on your computer
  6. Make sure you have automatic scans set to run when the computer is on
  7. Steer clear of all FREE File sharing sites such as Bittorrent and Kazaa (if you don’t know what that is ask your kids if they use it and if they do immediately uninstall it.  My daughter destroyed the OS that way recently so I know first hand)
  8. There is no such thing as FREE movies and music.  That is called software piracy and copyright infringement
  9. If you don’t understand how to protect your home computer or need guidance send me an e-mail



Have a good day!!



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