Monday, August 13, 2007

Severe Weather scares the Bajeezers outta me

I am not sure bajeezers is a real word however it sort of cleans up the original word that i dont want to put on my blog. LOL....

Saturday night I had to run downtown to fix a backup server and I noticed that between Georgetown and Myrtle Beach there were some ugly red cells haning out on radar. Since that is not anywhere near my immediate vicinity I did not give it further thought. As I drove home though I noticed that the storm was headed our way. I got home and fired up Accuweather radar on the laptop and then the weather radio issued that shrill irritating warning sound as it was gearing up for a severe weather alert in Berkeley county. Sure enough the storm I had seen earlier was headed right for us. The thing that fooled me was that the red cell was now just yellow which means it is not as severe and the chances of a tornado is almost nill. What I failed to think about was lightning. The electrical current that starts in the sky AND the earth and meets in the middle. If you are anywhere near it you are instant toast. That in and of itself is what scares the bajeezers out of me.

I gathered my family into the most central location in our doublewide trailer and settled down to pray that we would not get hit. I unplugged all the AC power cords from the computers and unplugged the Comcast cable modem and my motorola wireless switch. What I failed to do was to unplug the coaxial cable from the cable modem. Several bolts of lightning hit between our houses and scared the YOU KNOW WHAT out of Katy who screamed who in turn made me holler and say a couple of choice words. Luckily for us the children thought all of the electrical activity was COOL. Katy and I and the dogs were not too thrilled.

After the storm I plugged everything back in and my Internet access was gone. All the lights were on but the ethernet port on the back was not feeding a signal to anything. Luckily for us we are renting the modem from our cable company and Katy can get it replaced today. I also need to purchased surge protection for my cable modem coaxial port as well. In the meantime I know to unplug that cable as well.

James Moffitt