Day 20- Relationships are always worth restoring
Verse to remember-Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody. Romans 12:18
Question to consider- Who do I need to restore a broken relationship with today?
Regarding the true definition of a broken relationship I can think of several.
Mother- unable to reconcile, tried several years and failed
Sister- lifestyle justification issues
Jeremy - time
Creditors - need to pay off debt
My father died in 1990 of cancer. Shortly before his death I attempted to make some type of amends with our shattered relationship. I wont go into all the gory details but I will say that we were never close to one another. As for my mother I spent between 2 to 3 years trying to reconcile our relationship. My mother and father adopted my sister and I. Both parents were strict disciplinarians and my sister and I both rebelled. As young adults our parents chose to disown us. We did not meet their standards of perfection. I spent a lot of time in the late 90's trying to reconcile my relationship with my mother. All my mother was willing to do was to regurgitate every single mistake that I have ever made and reinforce in her mind why I was not worthy of her time nor was she interested in knowing her grandchildren.
My sister Tanya who is 2 years older than me has her fair share of broken relationships, emotional baggage and problems. My sister moved to Canton Ohio many years ago and because of that we have not been very close. My sister revealed to me that she has been engaged in a homosexual lifestyle and expected me to affirm her and encourage her choices. Because I did not do that our relationship was strained to the point that we did not talk for several years. In the last couple of years I have managed to make a trip to Canton Ohio and spend some time with my sister trying to encourage her to make some tough decisions.
My son Jeremy who lives near Houston Texas will be 18 years old this year. We are not as close as I would like to be and part of that reason is because I have failed to stay close to him. In August of 1997 my family and I moved from Houston Texas to Atlanta Georgia. My moving made any type of close relationship almost impossible for us to maintain. Before our move our relationship was not the closest in the world but it was easier and more convenient for Jeremy and I to spend time together when I lived in the same city as him. I have been told that my moving away and taking contract jobs that kept me away from him reflected my lack of concern for his feelings. So, I guess that I have done some damage. I hope that it is not permanent and when Jeremy becomes an adult that he will be able to choose to reach out to me more than he has in the last 17 years.
My creditors would love for me to reconcile my relationships with them. We owe, we owe, off to work we go. How many of us sing that song because we are up to our eyeballs in debt. I am not stranger to debt and thanks to bankruptcy and a divorce my credit has been screwed up for years. I have also made some bad decisions after the bankruptcy that has not helped me either with regards to credit.
Chapter 21- It is my responsibility to protect the unity of the church
Verse to remember - Let us concentrate on the things which make for harmony and the growth of our fellowship together. Romans 14:19
Question to consider- what am I personally doing to protect unity in my church family right now?
I am remaining faithful and committed to the church body and the ministry that goes on within the body of Christ there. On page 161 we are instructed to "focus on what we have in common, not our differences". "We should value and enjoy those differences, not merely tolerate them."
On page 162 we see the following principle. "Be realistic in your expectations". "once you discover what God intends real fellowship to be it is easy to become discouraged by the gap between the IDEAL and the REAL in your church". "Yet we must passionately love the church in spite of its imperfections."
Having read this chapter I am reminded of two things. If I ever want the "ideal" fellowship to happen I will need to exemplify what "real" fellowship is through my actions. The second thing I have learned is that I need to constantly remind myself that everyone is on a unique path of their own and for me to expect them to understand and grasp the things I do is unrealistic. I wonder how many of my brothers or sisters in the Lord think the same thing of me? Gosh, why doesn't James get it?? Instead of focusing on the future of "real" fellowship at Grace Fellowship I need to find a way to focus on those things that we as a body of Christ DO have in common now and build on that. The following commands are excellent suggestions to protect unity in our church. " Choose to encourage rather than criticize". "Refuse to listen to gossip". "Practice Gods method for conflict resolution" "Support your pastor and leaders".
Chapter 22 - I was created to become like Christ
Verse to remember - As the spirit of the Lord works within us , we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more. 2 Corinthians 3:18b
Question to consider - In what area of my life do I need to ask for the spirits power to be like Christ today?
The following statements are important to me in this chapter.
"every time you forget that character is one of Gods purposes for your ulife, you will become frustrated by your circumstances"
"life is supposed to be difficult ! It is what enables us to grow"
I need to learn how to welcome and embrace difficult circumstances in my life. I am like most people in that I do not cherish conflicts but would rather life to be hassle free and smooth sailing. I want my needs met but I also desire to have those things that I see others have. Lately I have found myself envious of people who appear to have extremely stable lives. That is my perception from where I am standing. Those people are those who have been able to keep a job for longer than 2 years, have a home they are purchasing, drive new cars etc. I realize that jealousy and envy is sin and I also acknowledge that some folks have made wise choices in their life that enables them to have certain things and enjoy certain activities and social status. I am reminded today that perhaps I do not see what goes on behind the perception I have with regards to stability in the lives of others. Maybe those people struggle in other areas of their lives that I can not see. Maybe their struggles in the areas of life that they are in are those character building blocks that Christ is using to bring them into likeness with him.
I need to take my eyes off of other people and their circumstances and outward appearances and stop comparing my life with theirs. I need to focus on my own life struggles and learn those lessons and character building that I can receive as I am going through them. I need to quit asking "Why me Lord" and "why cant I have a break just for a little bit" and "why do I have to go through long periods of intense battle and struggle". I need to learn to be thankful for God placing his grace and mercy on my life and caring enough about me to lead me through the trials and tribulations of daily sanctification. I am reminded of Christ praying in the garden knowing what was ahead of him. He asked God to remove the cup from him if at all possible but nevertheless that His will be done on earth and not his own. As I whine and moan and complain that life is so tough I am sinning against God. I need the Holy Spirit to give me the strength to perceive life as a character building and as a challenge to be obedient and make the right choices.
I also need assistance in the area of being servant. I need to learn how to seek out the needs of others and do whatever I am able to do to minister to them. I need to be more selfless and self seeking.
Thursday, February 05, 2004
What COLOR will this font be?
It seems as if a LOT of the text is RED for some reason. I usually like to use RED to highlight a specific point or hot topic within my writing. I certainly do NOT like to use RED for the main color though. Hummmmm... Lets see what happens to this text...
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
Written by Rick Schatz, President and CEO of the National Coalition for the
I received this article from Rick Schatz because I am subscribed to his newsletter. I agree with everything that is said in this article and want to use my BLOG as a place to SHOUT IT FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOP......
I have always said that we live in a REAL world with REAL PROBLEMS and we have a REAL SOLUTION and that solution is Jesus Christ living within me. I have always said that if the CHRISTIAN community would stand up and RAISE their voices and say that ENOUGH is ENOUGH that the secular world would HAVE to listen. That does not always mean that the world is going to change its wicked ways. What it DOES mean is that our voices will be heard and the world will have yet ANOTHER opportunity to choose righteousness over wickedness. How will the world KNOW that what they are doing offends God IF we as Christians sit back quietly and say nothing. Apathy and cowardice in the face of the majority will NEVER change one single thing in this world. I have also said that the church as a whole is apathetic and complacent because the church is not willing to DO WHAT IT TAKES to make a difference. Sometimes making a difference means to sacrifice something. Those things can include time, talents, money, power, prestige, popularity and our own private security zones we like to stay warm in.
I am thankful for organizations like this one that are willing to do what it takes to be heard. I stand behind what they are doing.
God bless
From: Rick Schatz, President and CEO
Date: 02/03/04 11:54:23
MTV's halftime show was a slap in the face to parents and youngsters across the country, said the National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families.
"The last thing a parent expects to see when they sit down with their family to watch the Super Bowl is Janet Jackson's breast," said Rick Schatz, president and CEO of the National Coalition.
"The Super Bowl provides a unique opportunity in that it can be enjoyed by viewers of all ages. To feature a halftime show that requires parents to send their kids out of the room is unconscionable."
The Super Bowl started out with a beautiful tribute to NASA and the space shuttle astronauts who lost their lives a year ago but it went rapidly downhill with the halftime show.
Parents who gathered to watch the show with their kids were blindsided not only by the baring of Jackson's breast but also by the freak dancing, crotch grabbing and sexualized lyrics of the music.
"CBS clearly made a very poor choice in having MTV design and produce the content of the halftime show," Schatz noted. "The MTV ideology is clearly aimed at promoting a sexualized lifestyle to teens. This time they got the chance to do it on broadcast television instead of cable."
Even the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission called the incident a "classless, crass and deplorable stunt." The commission has already agreed to launch an investigation.
The National Coalition will be polling its constituents to get their feedback on the halftime show. In addition, the organization will be focusing on informing parents about what they really get when they pay for MTV in their cable package.
Please let us know if you watched the halftime show and what you thought of it. Please send us your comments at
The National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families has officially called off its boycott of clothing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch.
"We've seen some stunning developments at A&F," said Rick Schatz, president and CEO of the National Coalition. "Not only did they retire the 'magalog' in December but also they have unveiled their spring clothing line without resorting to the offensive, sexualized messages of the past."
Schatz has been in conversations with A&F's Director of Investor Relations and Communications, who assured him that the clothing company had dramatically changed its marketing methods.
"We've seen evidence on A&F's web site and in their stores that things have indeed changed," noted Schatz. "The people spoke, the company listened, and it has done the right thing."
The National Coalition launched its awareness campaign against A&F on Nov. 10. By December 6, the company had retired its "magalog," which was filled with nudity and text that promoted risky sexual behavior.
More than 30,000 people signed the National Coalition's online petition or called to express their outrage. A&F's in-store sales dropped as did their stock, and they received an abundance of negative press.
Schatz added that A&F's decision to change the way it markets clothing to teens and young adults underscores the fact that when thousands of concerned consumers speak with one voice, they can change the culture.
Visit our website for more details at
Michael Craven, the National Coalition's vice president for religious and cultural affairs, debated representatives from the ACLU on the subjects of homosexuality and same-sex marriage Jan. 28.
Before a visibly hostile crowd of 600-plus students at the University of California, Berkeley, Craven presented the sociological and historical perspectives regarding not just homosexuality but other matters of moral truth related to sexuality.
"What I saw was a generation of young people who are desperately interested in knowing the truth," Craven said. "And I realized that what was important was not simply to win the debate but to demonstrate the light and love of Christ."
Despite the unbalanced nature of the debate, Craven's attempts to present reasonable and rational arguments for marriage between one man and one woman didn't go unheard. He was approached by more than 30 students at the close of the debate, all of whom disagreed with his position but were moved by the calm and compassionate way in which he spoke.
"I realized how important it is that we focus on people, not just the issue," he said. "When we reflect Christ's own grief and compassion for those who don't understand truth, then we can impact their hearts."
Go to our website for current news and information
National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families
800 Compton Rd
Suite 9224
Cincinnati, OH 45231
Phone: 513-521-6227
The vision of the National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families (NCPCF) is to move the people of God to embrace, live out and defend the biblical truth of sexuality. We work to promote a return to Judeo-Christian values in the areas of human sexuality and relationships.
However, we cannot do it alone. Your help is greatly needed and a financial gift could make a great difference in the fight to protect children and families from the effects of pornography and the sexualized messages of today's culture and to motivate God's people to assert an informed Christian worldview in matters of public policy and debate as they relate to sexuality. NCPCF is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt status organization. Donations are tax-deductible.
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Monday, February 02, 2004
Galatians 6:10
Gal 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Gal 6:10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Katy called me the other day when I was at work. Honey, who do we know that lives in Columbus Ohio? I told her that my sister Tanya lives somewhere in Canton Ohio but other than that I did not know IF I actually know of someone. Katy tells me that this person sent us CASH in an envelope with Galatians 6:10 printed on it with no name, no return address , no nothing...
As you know, I was out of work for most of 2003. We managed to scrape by on what unemployment paid me which was 7.50 per hour. Yes, our needs were met and for that we are deeply grateful. There were days when we wondered WHEN the needs would be met and things got sort of ugly. Nevertheless we never were homeless, always had something to eat and the "needs" were met....
The amount of money that was in the envelope was enough money to move our checking account out of the RED and back into the BLACK.... Praise God for that...
Thank you Jesus!!!
MSNBC - German cannibal sentenced to 8 1/2 years
MSNBC - German cannibal sentenced to 8 1/2 years
Highlight this statement in your brain and see if you can BELIEVE this lunatic actually said this in court.
"I had my big kick and I don't need to do it again," he said. "I regret it all very much, but I can't undo it."
ONLY 8.5 years for killing and EATING his victim. Can we really believe that anyone in their right mind would WANT to be stabbed to death and eaten by a stranger????
Come soon Lord Jesus, come soon!!!!
Highlight this statement in your brain and see if you can BELIEVE this lunatic actually said this in court.
"I had my big kick and I don't need to do it again," he said. "I regret it all very much, but I can't undo it."
ONLY 8.5 years for killing and EATING his victim. Can we really believe that anyone in their right mind would WANT to be stabbed to death and eaten by a stranger????
Come soon Lord Jesus, come soon!!!!
MSNBC - Justin, Janet not only boobs at Super sleazefest
MSNBC - Justin, Janet not only boobs at Super sleazefest
OH MY GOSH.... I "thought" that is what happened BUT the cameras turned off of the scene so quickly I just forgot about it. Apparently my eyes did not deceive me. My oh my.... How SAD is that? I have to agree that the half time show was absolutely disgusting. I hope no one PAID good money to see that disaster...
OH MY GOSH.... I "thought" that is what happened BUT the cameras turned off of the scene so quickly I just forgot about it. Apparently my eyes did not deceive me. My oh my.... How SAD is that? I have to agree that the half time show was absolutely disgusting. I hope no one PAID good money to see that disaster...
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