Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Healthy choices

Good morning fellow calorie counters and friends.

I am happy to report that instead of buying a biscuit with sausage egg and cheese this morning I purchased Kellogs specia K individual container at the Hungry Cougar across from my work place this morning. I was so tempted to get the former but chose the later in an effort to make better choices. Instead of doing what I am used to doing I am chosing to retrain myself to realize that part of losing weight is losing bad thinking and renewing my mind with good information. Having information is useless if we do not put it to action.

I have been losing half a pound per day thus far this week. That means that the weight is coming off slowly but surely. I need to increase my exercise a bit but that should be easy to do. Monday was a pretty high energy day with two trips up the five flights of stairs and bowling for two hours so I took a break from the stairs yesterday and instead went for a 30 minute walk at lunch.

I am holding myself accountable to others by sharing my journey with folks in my life such as yourself and my extended family and friends on the Internet. I am doing this so that I can be transparent with myself, God and you. If I am transparent and honest then it will be easier for me to face facts and do what I need to do. One of the people that I shared this with agreed with me that I needed encouragement. In the very next sentence this friend told me that walking stairs at work was not going to cut it but if I wanted to lose weight that I need to walk 45 minutes continuously every day and that the secret to their success was to join weight watchers so that they could lose the 30 lbs they needed to lose.

Instead of encouraging me this person sort of drug me down for a few moments. Sometimes people do not realize or they forget how hard it is to actually motivate one self to make the life changes that are required. I reminded my friend that for me to carry all 365.6 lbs of me up five flights of stairs certainly is an aerobic exercise because it gets my heart rate up into an aerobic range. I get more of an aerobic workout by doing that than getting on the eliptical trainer for 15 minutes. The bottom line is this. I am doing SOMETHING different which is better for me and has added value that burns calories. No, I may not have a high octane work out that some other person that is in better shape than myself. The important thing is that instead of taking the elevator on the way up into the building every time I come into it I make the effort to take the stairs.

I figure that every good choice that I make , the less calories I eat and the more exercise I get the better off that I will be and those things put together will equate to slow permanent weight loss. Every day I chose to learn from the day before and make better choices and not make the same mistakes from the day before. If I can continue to do that I will reach my goal both in weight loss but in other areas of my life as well.

Have a great day folks!!

James Moffitt

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