Sunday, October 11, 2009

This is the day the Lord has made rejoice and be glad in it

Good morning Posterous friends.  :)  I have some new subscribers to my Posterous blog and for that I am thankful.  My hope is that the thoughts that I share on my blog will bless you and encourage you in some small way.  I sometimes wonder why anyone would subscribe to my blogs.  In the blogosphere I am one of many voices that are out there and I always figure that there are folks out there that are much more entertaining or informative than me.  The important thing is that I do blog and you like to read it.  That fact alone helps me to keep writing I suppose. 

I noticed this morning that I could add a theme to my blog and do some advanced customization.  I hope you like the new look and feel of my Posterous blog.  I am not familiar enough with CSS to do any advanced customizations so I will just stick with simple. I think that simple is better sometime.  The nice thing about Posterous is that your blog is not all gummed up with advertisements from who knows where trying to sell you some thing or service that you have no need for or the money to spend on. 

I am sitting here in my recliner drinking my first cup of coffee and watching Willie chew on his bone.  Willie is our new 9 month old Lab puppy who is so full of energy.  Willie thinks that the cats and Frodo are his wind up toys.  Frodo who is our miniature weiner dog gives it all he has and plays with Willie who towers over him like a giant.  Angel who is our 9 year old female lab is not that impressed with Willie and she is not shy about letting him know about it either.  I think that in time everyone will get used to one another and be just fine.  

My last three days off from work have been nice and I have needed the time off for a rest.  I did not do anything extraordinary but I did enjoy hanging out with Katy and running errands and such.  I am sure that Katy will be happy when I go back to work on Monday so she can get back to her normal routine.  Katy is more of a home body than I am and when I am around the house I like to go do things.  You could call me Mr Spontaneous while Katy likes to plan things out and know what she is going to be doing at least one day in advance.  What is the fun in that? 

Take Shape for Life starts tomorrow and I have mixed emotions about it.  The good thing is that I will try to stick with the program because I do want to lose weight.  I really need to get the 100 lb gorilla off of my back.  I think that is a good word picture for me to think about when I think about losing weight.  That gorilla has been on my back for way too long and has been causing more problems than he is worth.  I am not sure if it is a male gorilla or a female gorilla at this point but it probably does not matter.  What matters is I am tired of carrying this thing around with me everywhere I go.  Instead of being fearful about change I will try to have a positive mental attitude and realize that change has to happen for me to get rid of the gorilla.  If I can stick with this the changes will be lowered blood pressure and not having to take BP meds every day.  Increased mobility and flexibility will be back in my life.  I will have more energy to play with my kids and Willie.  Hopefully  I will be extending my longevity here on this earth. 

Katy and I went to N Charleston last night to attend an awards ceremony for one of my friends son who was recieving the Boy Scounts Acheivement award.  My friend introduced me to her husband for the first time and we had a good time chatting.  Brian and I have several things in common.  One of those things we have in common is the need to lose weight.  I told Brian that as time marches on I am getting older.  I told Brian that I had noticed that I have not ever seen any older people who were obese.  If you ask me that is a wake up call for someone like me who is knocking on the door of 50.  It is only going to get harder and harder to do what needs to be done.  Brian told me that he can lose weight when he puts his mind to it and has done so on several occasions.  He also told me that he will be very interested in hearing about my progress.  My hope and dream is that I can lose weight and keep it off.  I also hope that my doing so can encourage others just like me who need to do the same.  The motivation is to be healthier and to feel better physically and emotionally. 

Now it is time for me to get off my rear end and get ready for my trip over to Grace Fellowship Church in Duck Ditch.  I know it is silly that I can not seem to disassociate myself with Grace Fellowship but after 9 years of going there I have grown fond of the people there.  There is a bond there that will not just go away.  We may not be able to make it over there every single Sunday but I want to continue to go there as often as I can.  I hope you have a beautiful and peaceful stress free day. 

God bless


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