Friday, September 30, 2005

Manual Labor

One day I am the Maytag repairman and the next day I am moving computers out of the training room to the storage area where they will be until the same time next year when employee surveys happen. I actually feel as if I earned part of my check today. LOL... It was no big deal, 8 computers to disconnect with all of the network cables, power cables, keyboards and mice. It took me all of one hour to do. Woooohoooo
Now what?? I think that the doughnut I ate at 9:30 am was pretty much vaporized so now I am receiving signals from my stomach saying that it thinks my throat has been cut. This is my partners last day in Charleston and Saturday he will be catching an airframe to Arkansas to reunite with his family there. He has been living in a hotel room for the last two weeks so I know he will be excited to be home at last. I plan on dragging my partner in crime to lunch here shortly.
The weather is sort of dreary outside but the cold front that was supposed to descend upon us has not arrived yet. I can not wait until we can turn the AC off and open up doors and windows. Our light bill has been running between 250.00 and 300.00 per month which has really been putting holes in my piggy bank.
I am so pumped up about being off this weekend. I have not had a weekend off in about a month now. The month of September has been tied up in the Gulf Coast region and then back home working security on the weekends. So, I rearranged my schedule to work security on Wed - Friday nights and be off from both jobs on the weekend. Of course I have this weekend off and my bride has an inservice she has to go to as a teacher in Summerville. That just bites.
Did I say that the Dallas Cowboys (aka cowgirls) actually won their Sunday game and now their record is 2-1 in the NFC East standings. Somehow I just do not understand how they always seem to win when I do not watch the games. Maybe I should save up my pennies for a Tivo and just record the game and then when I hear that they won I can watch the game that was recorded earlier? I have fond memories of my father and I watching the Dallas Cowboys (aka Gods' Team) on TV. I remember watching them on a small black and white TV in Leesville Louisiana back in 1969. When the Cowboys would fall behind or look like they were losing the game my dad and I would break out the checker board and we would play non stop checkers until Dallas came from behind to win. Somehow that seems to help the infamous "cardiac cowboys".

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