Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Chief Propellerhead on duty

Today is the day that the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it!! I am happy to be alive and six feet above ground today, what about you? I am happy that I have a family that loves me a church to attend and close friends that I can hang out with. I am glad that God loves me despite of myself and my many imperfections. You know the saying, God is not finished with me or you yet. So, hang in there, things are just gonna get better. Amen? I can say this because I have been on both sides of the mountain. I have been in the valley next to the mountain and I have been on the top of the mountain. When you are in the valley it sort of sucks but atleast it is a place where you can look up and know that it wont last forever. In the valley is where you learn those things that you need to learn. In the valley you find yourself stripped of all self assurance, arrogance and pride and control. You find yourself in a position of self examination, reflection and prayer. When we are in that place that is where God can reach us the best.
I am happy that I have a couple of part time jobs. Sure, I would rather have things differently such as a full time job doing what I want to do making what I want to make but maybe that is just a self inflicted delusion that I torture myself with from time to time. LOL. Hey, I am working 40 hours a week and have two paychecks coming in. I can remember a time when I had nothing coming in at all. That time was not too long ago too.
Today, I have been able to take the Maytag Repairman hat off and put on my Chief Propellerhead hat on. Jay and I have a laptop rebuild, pc and phone move and I just got a call to reset a pssword for one of the users on the network. Wooohoooo , nothing like actually earning the pay check aye? hhahahahaha
I have three more days and Jay will be in Arkansas and I will be here by my little lonesome. Actually, I have Jay online via Yahoo IM and cell phone if I get into a jam. There are so many things to learn here. For those of you that know me, I am not Tim the Toolman. I have a box of tools sure but most of them have not even been touched or gotten dirty. In the next six months , if I survive that long , I will be getting an education on how a machine shop works and how all the systems work within the shop. It will be interesting to see how technology has been integrated into making parts and tools for different things. Print Article

James Moffitt

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