Thursday, November 25, 2004

Thanksgiving Wishes to you and your family !!

Hello Folks!

Can you believe it is already Thanksgiving Day 2004 ? Where has this year gone?
I wanted to take a few moments to wish you and your family a safe and blessed Thanksgiving day. Most of us, if not all are off from work , school or whatever it is we do normally as we pause to give thanks for the many things that we should be thankful for.

Today is the day that we focus on the good things that God has brought us as well as the bad things that have caused good in our lives. When we are walking through the bad things we sometimes fail to see how God is working in us and through us and developing our character , bringing us closer to Him and taking us into a higher walk with Him. So, as we are thanking God for our many positive blessings lets also remember to thank Him for the challenges, valleys , trials and tribulations. There is nothing that we can not handle with God in our lives. Amen ??

Last night as I watched the news I was reminded of several things. One thing is evident in that this year is no different than any other. Everyone seems to be gearing up for that time of the year that we call Christmas. Most folks are rushing around preparing for all of the holiday festivities, food, drink, purchasing gifts, giving gifts, taking vacation time etc. Several days after Halloween the stores were getting ready for Thanksgiving. A week before Thanksgiving the stores were in full swing with Christmas music. Just the other day my children put up the Christmas tree with all the trimmings and the winter wonderland village. While I think that it is wonderful that we can enjoy the festivities of the holiday season I think that it is important that in our hustle and bustle to create the right atmosphere for our loved ones that we take the time to stop and breathe deeply and take stock of what is going on around us. Take a few moments as you are out shopping in the next week or two and see how many truly peaceful and happy people that you will find all around you in the stores this year. I did that the other day and I was saddened that most folks were stressed out rushing here and there racing around with their shopping carts not paying attention to anything other than finding that special and perfect gift. Maybe we can be an instrument of peace and tranquility as we are out and about this Christmas season and help folks around us to just slow down and remember that this season is not about that special and perfect gift. Yes, I am going to say it. Jesus is the reason for the season. I am not talking about the god that we put in a box. I am talking about the God that created us and desires to have fellowship with us and to love us and to bring us peace, happiness, joy and purpose.

When we see folks rushing about all wrapped up in preparing for and getting to those special festivities we understand why they are stressed out and are not at peace. The only way we can find real peace, contentment and joy is to look to the God of peace who resides within us His Kingdom. The other thing that I was reminded of as I watched the news last night is that the holiday season is not a merry time for all. There are those folks out there that dread this time of year who suffer from depression or are living with the grief of losing a loved one. Sometime it is hard to remember that when we are so far removed from someone elses pain and suffering.

Thank you for being a part of my life and the life of my family. You are in my friends and family distribution list because God has placed you there for a purpose. You are a blessing from above and I am so thankful that you are that special someone that God has created. You have added quality and quantity to our lives and for that I am eternally thankful. I praise God for my immediate family, and you who are a part of my extended family. I pray that God will bring blessings and peace and joy and purpose to you and your loved ones this holiday season.

God bless

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