Monday, February 16, 2004

Living in the shadow of a stupid ground hog....

Who started listening to ground hogs with regards to predicting our weather anyway? The ground hog saw his shadow the other day and I guess that means 6 more weeks of winter weather. Did anyone think about relocating the ground hog to another part of the globe where the sun would be directly on top of his little noggin and therefore would be NO shadow? Sheesh... Yes, I did think about taking OUT the ground hog but resisted any excessive excitement about that option just in case our friends from PETA were reading my drivel.... LOL. Like they would be reading MY blog.... NOT....

This weekend downtown Charleston was in full swing with visitors from who knows where. I have not seen that many umbrellas this side of Niagra Falls. I am wondering IF these people who visited our fine city decided to visit BECAUSE of the 2 day rain storms or IF they were locked into the visit because of having planned their weekend jaunt to our fine city months ago? Either way, I hope that they re think their planning strategies for next year and NOT visit us in the midst of the winter months. Dont get me wrong, Charleston certainly has its fair share of tourist trap goodies to visit and remove your disposable income from your possesion. I am hoping that because they are able to do this so effectively (like most tourist traps) that someone in city hall will think about fixing some of the pot holes and streets in our fine city. GASP.... Imagine that thought...

Luckily for me I was able to observe the happenings all around me at work from the vantage point of my favorite parking garage. Cough.... It is amazing to me how many people look at things from a horizontal view point. It seems as if no one ever looks up past the second story of any dwelling. Well, at least they don't until the passing pigeon deposits a prize on their noggins. If that happens DO NOT look up because the pigeons fly in numbers and if they are all on the same schedule you may get more than you bargained for.

It is Presidents Day and most Government Employees are enjoying a day AWAY from their cubicle prisons. Wahoooo! What a deal. If you are lucky you are getting paid for being off today as well. This is my regular day off so I am off regardless of what President we are honoring or what ground hogs see when they look at the ground. The kids just got back from the Dentist in Mt Pleasant and got their teeth cleaned. I guess I will need sun glasses now to see their beautiful smiles. I am on Day 29 of my 40 days of purpose (porpoise) devotional study by Rick Warren.

The Purpose Driven Life and The Purpose Driven Church are two indespensible books for your library so if you don't have them rush right over to your nearest Christian Bookstore URL and get them. Experiencing God Day by Day is another book that has the same theme. Both authors , Blackaby and Warren have Southern Baptist Convention backgrounds if you are interested in that type of trivia. I have encouraged several friends to get this book and engage in working through the 40 days. One friend told me that she has had the book in her posession but has not chosen to do anything other than collect dust with it. Another friend is just starting the book and is beginning to work through the contents. Did I say that this book is not intended to make your comfortable or help you to stay wrapped up in your current security blanket? This book is not light reading either. You will either love this book or you will hate it. The book will challenge you to examine your views about a lot of different things with regards to your faith. Are you ready for that? Are you ready for change? Change means sacrifice and loss and therefore sometimes pain. Do you have some extra Excedrin in the medicine closet? If you do, it wont help. The Holy Spirit will be the only one that can administer healing with regards to the change and pain I am talking about. I wish you Jesus should you undertake this study. Get a pen, journal notepad and a nice cup of coffee and get started.

I am currently working on growing the membership of Jesus Connect Ministries BBS Jesus Connect Ministries BBS We have gone from 5 members to 16 members in the last 4 to 6 weeks. I can not tell you how excited about that I am. Well, yes, actually I can tell you. I am absolutely happy about it. We are paying an ISP to Co-host our server on their Internet backbone so we need to start using it for the glory of God.... If we are not then we are not being good stewards of what God has given us. Click on over to this location and see what is going on. Jump right in and tell us who you are and how you found us. You will be able to READ as a guest but you will need to sign up for an account to post a message so as soon as I see you requesting access I will process your account.

I hope you have a wonderful week! Keep Jesus Christ number ONE in your life. Its all about God, not about me...

God bless

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