Friday, October 24, 2003

Yeah! Friday is HERE!

They say that time flies when you are having fun. This week ZOOMED past me and I am still trying to figure out IF I really had fun. I had fun last Monday night when I bowled a 141, 156 and 167. That is way over my average for this league which is a 120. I am finally getting used to the synthetic lanes I guess.

On Tuesday of this week I went out to Cottagville and made a sale , BA and Cell backup which equals to two units. I have 8 more units to meet quota for the month and I have 3 more weeks to make that. I spent most of my day at the Convention Center in Charleston and working with a Dental Office on a proposal. At 8 am I was to meet the Dentist at his new location and wound up speaking to him on the phone. Get me a proposal, I am already an ADT customer and this needs to be done yesterday so I can get the sheet rock people to finish their part in this construction. So, with that information in hand I spend some time doing just that. At the end of the day the customer says, wow, I need to think about this and get back with you. I think that the monthly charge was giving him heart burn. I have an 11 am appointment this morning through Telmar which means that someone saw an ADT commercial or heard ABOUT ADT and called in to our call center requesting to speak to a sales rep.

I had to put my Thursday night small group attendance on hold. I am not too happy about that since I had made a committment to do it. I wrote an e-mail to the small group leader and I know he was/is disappointed that I can not make it. Sometimes priorities really stink. I am 9 months past due on all of my financial responsibilities which means that my number one priority for now is to get my business off the ground and profitable. That means some 12 and 16 hour days for a while until I get established. That means working 6 days per week.

I hope you have a great weekend folks!

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