Sunday, September 07, 2003

The Dallas Cowgirls loose again!!!

Why do I EVER waste my time in watching the Dallas Cowgirls ATTEMPT to play football????

Oh my gosh. The first half seemed as if the cheer leaders were sitting on the bench and they actually had some guys that wanted to play the game with some level of skill. At the half it was Dallas CG 7 and Atlanta Falcons 3. I dont know what happened at the half time but I think that the cheerleaders mugged the team and tied them up in the locker room and came out the play the rest of the game. Ok, I apologize, I should never insult the Dallas Cowgirl cheer leading squad for playing that PATHETIC of a second half.

What happened to the quarter back anyway? He looked as if he had a problem running more than two steps at a time before he collapsed on his own. Once upon the time the Dallas Cowgirls used to be called the Cardiac Cowboys. Those days are long over because now they can be called the Prozac Queens. How sad a commentary on what USED to be my favorite NFL team.

On a positive note the Carolina Panthers came back to win by one point against the Jacksonville Jaguars. Wahoooooo. Perhaps I should support the team of the state I live in. Go Panthers!! Hey, now that I think of it my high school mascot was panthers. Yeah!!!!

Church was good this morning as the State Youth Director , Chucky Chandler gave a good message. He spoke on Judges Chapter 7 verse 15- ???? It had to do with God calling out Gideon to go do a task. Anyway, you probably know the story of Gideon. Everything went off without a hitch up until the point that the electronic gremlin attacked the tape player. The special music was supposed to happen and the tape player decides to play the music at half volume and would not let me adjust it any higher. The song played at half volume and the singer did her best to compensate for that and did a wonderful job.

Katy has been manipulating our home page so I need to take a peek at it to see what changes have happened. Hope you guys and gals have a WONDERFUL week!

Nite Nite

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