Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Boggy Creek

Happy Face!

It is so wet that even the ducks have gone to higher ground. If I had not been unemployed for the last 7 months I would go buy some gold fish to stock the ponds of water all around us. We moved back to Boggy Creek (aka Duck Ditch) on August 23rd and I think it has rained every single day since then. So, Duck Ditch will be Boggy Creek until the water is absorbed some more and the ducks wander back down to our little commune. If you live in Duck Ditch there has to be ducks right? I cant count the ducks that live at my neighbors house. Those ducks are here whether they like it or not. If they could fly I am sure they WOULD fly away to higher and more dryer land.

I am on vacation until this next Monday. Actually, my 7 month vacation ends then. You either have more time than you have money or you have more money than you have time. I would opt to have the later now that I have experienced 7 months of the former. On Monday I will be employed by ADT in their business sales team. Instead of asking you if you want fries with that hamburger I will ask you if you want motion sensors or more door sensors with that basic security package.
I dont think that I will be able to ask folks if they want to "biggie size" it or not. :) The only time I say that I want to biggie size anything is when I go out and try to find pants for myself. Sigh..... Lets not go there please....

In an effort to reduce the tent size of my waist line I have promised myself that I WILL go out and walk Monday through Friday for exercise. Today is Monday and guess what. I have already blown it. I walked Monday and then went bowling on our winter league for the first night and then my body started to punish me. I never knew that my brain could receive that many signals from the different body parts all at once. Katy told me that I was brain dead to be out walking just for the sake of getting exercise. Maybe she has something there. :) Luckily for me and my desire to loose some weight my new job will be just the ticket. Between 10 am and 4pm Monday through Friday I will be out and about prowling around looking for potential customers which means walking from one business to another trying to make NEW friends. Friends with money to spend and security needs to fulfill. I can make money (hopefully) and loose weight at the same time. What else can I ask for?

I spoke to Katy this morning and it is amazing what has happened in less than 3 weeks. Here is a short list of what God has allowed to happen. I say that because I did not have anything to do with it.

A. Moved us from Travelers Rest to Goose Creek
B. Allowed us to go back to our home church
C. Allowed us to be around people who love us and care
D. We are back in the house we originally moved out of when we left
E. Our friends and landlord is helping us with regards to rent and utilities. (HUGE PTL there)
F. Katy has a dishwasher again (Katy LOVES that)
G. Katy has a washer and dryer that was donated by Cindy (Thanks Cindy)
H. The church loaned us the 25" color TV that we donated to the church until I can buy another one.
I. I have a new job starting Monday
J. The children are enrolled in Public school
k. I have new opportunities for service at Grace Fellowship Church
L. Grace Fellowship Church membership has almost doubled since we left. That means growth, challenges and opportunity

Well anyway, I might have forgotten some of the details but you can see that we have a LOT to be thankful for. We do not believe in circumstance but we do believe that God has his hand in every aspect of our lives. If God is for us WHO can be against us? NO ONE. What can separate us from the Love of God? NOTHING......

Yes, I am doing the happy dance. Thanks for letting me share some POSITIVE & HAPPY stuff with you. Thanks for the prayers and the support. God is GOOD all the time!

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