Thursday, January 10, 2002

I was reminded today of how powerful relationships are. Sometimes they can be bittersweet no matter how intimate it is. God sometimes works through our relationships with other people to reveal his truth in us in our every day lives. Knowing WHO God is does not help us to understand how to apply His principles to every day living in a practical way.

If you have ever had a friend let you down you know what I mean. The closer that friend is and the more vulnerable you allowed yourself to be the worse the pain is when that person lets you down or hurts you. I had to laugh at myself today because I described someone as a bottom feeder. The situation was harmless and no one really got harmed. A birthday cake was purchased with minimal expense and effort with the expectation that the person would ACT like they atleast appreciated the effort. This person is part of a group of folks that choose to celebrate their respective birthdays with a cake and song and some fellowship. This person decides to take the day off from work without saying a word KNOWING that I was out buying the cake and making sure that it would arrive for their enjoyment.

I am reminded of the fact that their are consequences for my actions , no matter how insignificant the situation is. How many times have I let someone down or broken a promise? Was I the bottom feeder at that moment? You bet I was. I thank God for His Holy Spirit who enlightens me and convicts me of senseless mindless acts of carelessness and harshly spoken words or deeds undone. I thank God that the power of the Holy Spirit inside of me drives me to desire a life of integrity and honor.
It is so easy to be selfish and seek out our own needs and desires forsaking those around us. It is so easy to be indifferent and to allow our individual pain and struggles to anethesisize us against the needs of others. The days of our lives can not be spent carelessly in the pursuit of making ourselves content and happy at the expense of others. Entertainment value can not turn our faith in God into a spectator sport where we only engage our faith in God during Sunday morning when we have our pretty Christian face on for others to see.

Help me Jesus to not be a bottom feeder with regards to the humanity around me. Help me to let YOU shine forth in all that I do and say. Give me strength dear Lord in this area of my life.

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