Thursday, January 10, 2002

I feel sorry for insomniacs. People who have chronic problems with getting the necessary rest to function during the day. Scientific research shows that a person with sleep depravation is much more dangerous than a falling down drunk. Our brain needs rest and if you dont get it you are not running on all cylinders. I know how it feels because I apparently have a problem with sleeping. If I sleep during the day for any amount of time I am able to stay up all night. I guess by nature I am a night owl. I spent quite a few years working 6 pm to 6 am and maybe my biological clock has never really adjusted. I do my best thinking and creativity at 1 am. How can that be? Maybe I am just wired that way. Now that I have to get up at 5 am so I can be at work at 6 am it causes a real problem. At midnight I force myself to go to bed at 12:00 am and sometimes dont get to sleep until 1 am.

The year 2002 finds Grace Fellowship making some changes. Each Wed evening service will be either a Youth Service, Lay/guest speaker, dinner/clean up, Praise and Worship and a business meeting every 5th wed of the year. We discussed plans to do outreach for the purpose of growing the church. That outreach includes starting in the church and getting existing members to invite friends and family. Tom Glisson , our Pastor, agreed to allow a friend named Chuck to do some guest speaking on Wed evenings as well. We are talking about moving the sound room from the attic down to the area where the nursery is and sharing some of that space. We are talking about planning on funding sound equipment replacement. That is desperately needed too. Shannon has a line on some possible equipment that is not new but in almost new condition. Hopefully an arrangement can be made so that we dont have to shell out a ton of cash up front.

Blogger seems to be a cool way to jot down quick mental drivel and post it for others to read immediately. I hope that the server issues will be resolved soon and that the service that is being provided will stabilize. I will be making changes to the look and feel as I learn how to do them but for now things will stay the same with the basic template that I am using. I hope that you appreciate this and will come back often to read what Katy and I both will be writing here.

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