Thursday, December 27, 2007

Weight Loss

December 2007 is almost gone and I still have not lost much weight. I have this 20 lb window that I yo yo up and down in all year long. I have weeks where I have tons of will power and determination and I eat the right things, the right amounts and find a way to get some semi regular exercise.

Apparently those moments of energy and determination are few and far between. I think I finally gave up on trying to find someone in my life that had the same desire and could help me with my motivation during times when I needed help being motivated. If I am going to do this then I am going to have to do it. No one is going to do this for me.

During Christmas I managed to lose 5 lbs instead of gaining. That is only because FAT BOY had gained four pounds BEFORE Christmas even got here. I went walking on Monday afternoon and today at work I walked up five flights of stairs several times in an effort to get the heart pumping some and to burn a few extra calories. Why do I need to go to the gym when I have an opportunity to walk several flights of stairs in the course of my work days. The answer is because my flesh is tired and lazy and just does not want to put out the effort. It is what it is and boy howdy it is just freaking ugly huh?

I am going to try to do the stairs routine at work as much as I can. I take my time and walk up one or two flights and then stop and catch my breath. I can walk up about 2.5 flights of stairs before my lungs start begging me for more oxygen than normal so when that happens I stop and take a break.

I have slim fast at work in the fridge and I have been telling myself I need to drink one of those for breakfast. I have not had much luck at that thought becoming reality.

My goal for 2008 is to lose one pound per week.
I have not given up. I am not a quitter. I still want to be successful at this. I think I can do it. I want to try harder. I want to be accountable.

James Moffitt

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