Friday, August 25, 2006

Power boat for a power lunch

It rained and rained and rained again today. The rain started in Goose Creek around 6 am and apparently just kept on going for HOURS. At 9 am I wandered out into the RAIN to go deliver reports and print outs to all of the respective departments on campus and I found that I needed a boat to get around. Downtown Charleston floods if you drop a glass of tea at high tide so you can just imagine how WET things were after it rained for HOURS.
I got lucky and caught one of the mail room clerks hopping into a golf cart and hitched a ride with him for several blocks to get where I was going. I made the trip there nice and dry but that did not happen on the way back. I had planned on buying an umbrella YESTERDAY so that I would be prepared TODAY for the eventual FLOOD that seems to happen every afternoon. Did I make good on those plans? No, of course not, I just found OTHER things to do than getting an umbrella. I made my deliveries and after about 15 minutes of waiting the downpour turned into a very light rain so I made my move. I walked to the college bookstore with plans on making good on my PLAN from yesterday to buy an umbrella. I arrived at the bookstore looking like a drowned "big foot" to find that they were SOLD OUT. Can you imagine that they would be sold out of rain coats and umbrellas?
As I was squishing around on the side walk headed back to my building I saw some young ladies standing under an awning in two segways. Those are the motorized humanoid two wheel "cart you around" thingies that are so cool. I tried to get one of them to give me a piggy back ride over to the building but they were not about to budge out of their cover. They offered me coupons for a free bagel and all I could think is that I would need 500 of those things to act as an umbrella to keep me dry.
Before I made it back over to our building I stopped at the HUNGRY COUGAR for a power lunch which consisted of one slice of pizza and one banana pudding parfait. By the time I got through with my power lunch purchase the skies had let up on the drowning routine on the ground below and I was able to squish back across the street and go into the building and head for the freezer that I sit in every day.
I am alone in my walkin freezer for now and I have 2 hours and 16 minutes before I am free again. Until then I will sit here and wait for a customer to request this that or another. I figured I might as well drivel about something so that it will give me something to do. The power lunch that I ate at 1:30 pm is kicking in and I can feel the eye lids starting to try and slam shut.
Have a good weekend, stay dry and for goodness sake please remember to bring your raincoat or umbrella.

James Moffitt

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