Sunday, January 22, 2006

Which way did it go?

I would have sworn that the month of January has just escaped me. Which way DID it go? It seems as if we just said by to 2005 and hello to 2006. How can it be almost Feburary? I guess time flies when you are as busy as we are. There are a lot of "bloggable" moments where I say to myself or Katy " I feel a blog coming on" and then I never make it to the blogging interface where I can write down my thoughts. I hate that, dont you? Well, if you love to write then you will love to blog and you know what I am telling you. Many moons ago I heard a self improvement guru who said that in order to never forget specific thoughts or moments of creative juices that we should always carry a notepad and pen to write those things. If you do not then some of them will be lost forever. I guess that makes sense, I mean how much stuff do we already have to keep crammed in our noggins with the rushed life that is full of detials already? There is no way I can remember everything, I guess that is why I carry a pocket pc, have several computes at home , have a laptop and several computers at work. As they say, the devil is in the details and if you forget something important you will be saying something that makes you sound like you need to have the devil exorcised out of you. LOL...

Katy spent the weekend in Columbia SC again and has one more to go until summer time. So, with that in mind I am working this weekend too. I figure if she is going to work then I will work myself and atleast make back some of the money that it costs to send her there. In the long run, while I miss the her like the dickens, it will be worth it once she gets her teacher certification and the state rewards here with her back pay they owe her. I hope it does not take them until 2007 to give it to her. Teachers just do not get paid what they are worth. I believe that they ALL deserve a 10% raise, what do you think? If you are married to a teacher you know how much work it takes to get the degree, certification, keep up with all of the requirements during the year and still teach a class 8 hours per day and then take care of a household at night time. Whew.....

I made the mistake of watching part of the Carolina and Seahawks game and thought I was watching the Dallas Cowgirls trying to figure out what to do with the pigskin. The game was a horrible nightmare so I just quit watching it. I have an urge to look at to see how badly they got beat. Ok, I gave in to the need for information and Carolina got beat 34 to 14. Now that the Cowgirls and Panthers are dead for the season I am officially done for football this year.

Last week was my first week at my new IT Contract. Boy oh boy, out of the frying pan into the fire. Well, actually it was more like out of the health spa into the coal mines. Mr Maytag, which is who I was at my last contract has been boxed up with the washer and dryer and been sent off to some undisclosed location. When I showed up I was greeted, shown my cubicle and given a list of 15 projects to do. The 16th line item listed was "other tasks". Gosh, I will not be able to get the first 15 done in the six months that I will be there as a contractor. LOL... My first order of business was to help my 24 year old sidekick in putting together a Dell server rack. The shell was sitting there already but we had to put in the rails, fans, power supplies, chassis, fake blades etc. That took us a day and a half and then I was allowed to sit in my cubicle between meetings and I found myself in discovery zone once again. The ugly part of being an IT contractor is that you find yourself in foreign waters and you have to figure things out as quickly as possible so that you can become as productive as you can as fast as you can.

Well, my relief is here so I am going to continue this later on tonight.

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