Monday, January 31, 2005

Cactus Car Wash online

I am waiting on my car to get cleaned after this NASTY weather weekend I just endured. Cactus Car Wash just happens to have two Broadband connected computers in the lobby. So, guess what, here I am whacking away at the keyboard once again. I am headed out to St Stephen from here which is about one hour from N. Charleston where I will deliver and install a PC that I picked up about 2 weeks ago. Once I am done out there I will probably be done for the day since it will take me an hour to get back home.

I was shocked, amazed and thankful that our long time website appeared again this morning. Whew..... I need to download that website and burn it to CD ROM immediately in case it decides to go away for another extended visit. LOL.... We will develop something unique for but not sure what at this point. Probably have something to do with regards to Jessica Ann and our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. Our family and our relationship with Christ are the top two things that do "Light our world" which is the reason for the domain name to begin with.

The weather here is GORGEOUS. Did I tell you that earlier? There are no clouds in sight and it is about 45 degrees outside. A wonderful day for a drive out in the country. LOL...

I am doing very good with regards to my calorie intake today. I am up to 950 calories for the day. My total is 2756 so I am trying my best to severly limit how much junk I cram into my face. I need to get out and walk my 1.6 mile trail this evening when I get home. I will let you know if I keep my promise to myself to do it. Hey honey, you in the mood to walk the dogs tonight when I get home? LOL....

James Moffitt

1 comment:

Katy Moffitt said...

uh...maybe! G