Thursday, August 05, 2004

I am happy to report that Katy has landed a long term substitute teaching position at a new school in Sangaree teaching ED kids. Katy has a special love for ED kids and that is probably why she has been able to put up with me for the last 14 + years without killing me. LOL.. Anyway, Katy called me up all smiles on the telephone when she found out that she was hired for the long term sub position. This position will give her some more experience while she finishes out the process to become a full time teacher in the state of South Carolina. I am sure Katy can give you a lot more information about what all this requires with regards to the process and the new school she will be teaching at. Honey, do you feel a blog coming on or what? LOL...

I am sitting here at work at the City Magistrate's office counting the minutes until time to get off which will be 5 pm or 1700 hours by the military clock. In this office we have Small Claims Court and the place to file eviction notices with regards to real estate issues. Can you imagine the stories that I hear coming through this place during the day?
Just yesterday I was looking out into the parking lot and a mother had decided to let her three juvenile sons out of the SUV so that they could practice tinkling on the fire hydrant at the edge of the property. I guess they could not come inside and use the restroom like normal human beings....

I am thankful for the ability to write e-mails offline via my Pocket PC and be able to blog offline and then synchronize when I connect to the home network when I get home. It gives me something to do when my eye lids begin to slam shut out of sheer boredom. When I work downtown at the county office building there are all sorts of people to talk to and other security officers to interact with so you do not have to worry about getty sleepy. Have you ever tried to stay awake for 8 hours with almost nothing to do to occupy your time? Luckily for me the client does not mind my doing something to keep awake and semi alert. That means I can read the paper and blog offline and write e-mails. Wahooooo. I actually read USA Today and The Post and Clueless from cover to cover this morning between 8:30 am and about noon. Between 1200 and 1300 I ate the lunch that my sweet wife packed (minus a drink) and then it was back to sitting here wondering what to do next other than dozing off in my chair. From time to time I go outside and stumble around in the stifling humidity filled air and then come back inside to enjoy the COLD AC inside the building I am at.

I can not wait to get into my red chariot and roll down the windows in this heat and drive home. Luckily the drive home only takes 25 minutes but without AC in the jalopy it makes things miserable. I admit, I am spoiled. I want the AC unit blowing ice cubes on me when I am driving down the road. My AC in my car, as you have probably already guessed, is not cooling squat. I can not tell you how much that stinks considering we are only 5 days into August and I have another 45 to 60 dog days of summer left to endure. Maybe I will get lucky and sweat off a couple of pounds in exchange for now AC....

1 comment:

Robbyn said...

Congrats Katy!!! I know this is what you have wanted for a long time. I am very happy for you!!! Best of luck!!!