Saturday, August 07, 2004

Happy Nappy Time

I had yesterday off from work after 9 days straight without a day off. All was well until I managed to yank a kink into my back early in the morning after taking my daily shower. That was too much fun. Pain, the final frontier, going where I certainly did not want to go. However, that did not stop me from taking my friend Chuck to Cracker Barrell and stuffing my face with Grandpa's Country Fried Steak Breakfast. Gosh, I am getting hungry just typing it. How scary is that?

The pain in my back was making it difficult to breath but not too difficult to swallow so I endured the car ride there and back. I spent most of my day running errands and then picked up my Gizmo from Sangaree Middle School and took her to McDonalds for lunch. Once that was done we went back to the new school and Katy escorted me back to her classroom where I met her assistant who is ALSO named James. What an interesting coincidence that is.... As you can already tell I snapped some digital images as well as some 35 mm shots. You see the digital pics now on the blog and if I find some on the 35mm cd when I get them devoloped you will see those at a later date. Gosh, I just love being a shutter bug.

Happy Nappy Time happened between 3:30 pm and 5 pm when I laid down to try and shake the pain which had begun to subside in my back. I woke up around 5pm , had coffee and an oreo cookie or two or three or four..... I then took Kristina over to the pastors house where the youth were meeting to head to a Summerville COGOP church for a back to school rally of some sort. Justin and I headed over to Royal Z bowling alley where we bowled a practice game before the league games last night. Our team, M&M BB's (who came up with that team name anyway??) was securely in 5th place and after winning ALL FOUR games last night we should be in fourth or 3rd place next week depending on how the top teams did or did not do. I managed to bowl a 154 average last night which just tickles me green and orange which is the same color as my 15lb bowling ball.

After bowling was over Justin and I piled into the jalopy and headed over to Wallyworld to pick up a couple of items and see how Gizmo was holding up at her cash register. This is back to school TAX FREE weekend so all the rednecks were stumbling over each other trying to figure out how many packages of numbe two pencils and Big Chief tablets to buy for their kiddos. It was a sight to behold I tell ya... While at Wallyworld we picked up a special edition copy of HellBoy. Justin was so happy I thought he would pee his pants but luckily for me he did not do it. Whew.... The kids and I stayed up until 1:33 am watching Hellboy and then we all piled off to bed for some quality snoring time. It is now 2:44 am and I am banging on the keyboard thanks to my Happy Nappy Time yesterday afternoon and Katy is trying to get to sleep and by now the kids are probably snoring right along with the dogs and other assorted critters we have living here.

In hopes that the Sominex that I just took will kick in soon I am going to stop babbling here for the time being and head back to my pillow and see if I can get some quality drool time in. You noticed I did not say "beauty sleep". I gave up on that hope years ago. Bwahahahahahahaha Poor Gizmo...

Nite Nite

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