Friday, June 18, 2004

Travelers League begins today...

For ten weeks I will be bowling in an ABC Mixed league consisting of a 5 person team. I bowled a 172 average tonight which REALLY suprised me AND my teamates. LOL... I bowled a 194, 186 and 136. If I had bowled 7 more pins on my first game I would have gotten a patch. Darn it!! I blew it in my tenth frame that game. Oh well, I have ten more weeks to accumulate some patches from ABC. READY, SET, GO!!!!

I did not climb onto the beloved (TM) torture machine tonight BUT I did get a work out at the bowling alley so that will be my exercise today.
I am reminded of this because my body is sending multiple signals to my brain whining about aches and pains and being sore. Tylenol PM is my friend though and before you know it I will be sound asleep and those signals going to my brain will be lost forever in a wave of snoring.
What can I say ? Better living through chemicals. LOL

Have you ever seen the commercials where the mild manner Clark type person gets into his or her car and turns into the Tazmanian devil? We have all witnessed these idiots out racing around and making our lives perilous as they zoom up to your bumper and cut you off in traffic by yanking their vehicles in front of you without using a turn signal or waiting to see IF you will let them over. I think the same thing happens to retail customers. We get out of our cars, walk into the store and become a different animal alltogther. I know this because four days a week I deal with psycho customers myself. Yes, I know, I have been on the other side of the fence and I know how frustrating it can be to be the victim of NO customer service. However, tonight we will focus on pscyho customers for a moment.

I am focused on these types of people tonight because Katy had a VERY bad day at Wallyworld (aka Wallmart) and came home in tears. If Katy came home in tears it was because multiple people were JERKS towards her. It takes a LOT to make her cry let me tell ya. I told her she needs to buy a nurf baseball bat and when people are jerks to whack them upside their noggins for being stupid and insensitive. Luckily for me Katy does not have my termperment and wont do that and lose her job.

The moral of the story is this. Life goes on whether you are a jerk or not. Just remember that there is a human being that is wearing the respective uniform or name tag of the particular establishment you are visiting. People are doing just like you, going to work, performing specific tasks so that they too can get a paycheck, pay the bills and experience a certain level of comfort and enjoyment out of life. They say that what goes around comes around. So, before you use your tongue and attitude like a double edged sword to dice up the customer service representative tomorrow ask yourself HOW you would like to be treated IF you were on the other side of the isle, counter or telephone.
Ok, so you are asking me the question "what IF the customer service rep or sales associate is being a snot and treating me like dirt?" Does that give me the right to tear them apart? Most of you would say absolutely yes. I would say that there is an exception to every rule and I also know that every company has a level of management in place that will deal with rude, arrogant and unruly employees very quickly because they want you to be happy and come back to spend MORE of your money in the near future. So, with that in mind understand that I too have been on both sides of the fence. Try to keep a level head and for crying out loud dont take your days frustrations out on someone just like yourself. OK??

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