Saturday, June 12, 2004

Camp Happy Days is almost upon us...

I bet Flash is thinking something entirely different at this point of the game aye?? Ya probably would like to postpone that circus for another 12 weeks if you could huh?

My children are bouncing off the walls with excitement. I think that Kristina has packed her bags atleast 10 times. I walked past her bedroom the other night and she and Justin were trying to figure out how to fit an elephant into this bag and still get it closed. I could almost see something wiggling inside it. Maybe they put Sammy or Angel in the bag to see if they could smuggle them to camp. As far as that goes I would LOVE to see SAMMY the loud mouthed MUTT go to camp and stay there as the mascot YEAR round.

Sammy must be in his TERRIBLE twos now because I have an urge to KILL him atleast once per day. That is usually around 5 or 6 am every morning. Stupid dog....

As I am typing this Lulu the komikozee (spelling) cat is throwing herself from the porch ledge up against the window by the stove because she wants to get in. We just let her outside for crying out loud KITTY.... I might as well potty train her so we can skip the "let you outside and then let you back in " so she does not have to get brain damage by slinging her body against the outside of the glass window to get our attention. Goofy cat...

Katy just approached the couch and spoke to Sammy in her best authoritative voice. Sammy Moffitt, you need to go to your cage. Sammy knowing that he is not going to budge a muscle gave her the "but I am so cute and adorable puppy dog you really dont EXPECT me to go to that nasty cage tonight do you look". Katy responded by begging the dog not to wake her up at 5 am in the morning and put the dogs head on a pillow and covered him with a blanket on the couch. OH MY GOSH people. Here is how I would have handled this.

(drum roll please...). Stern look at dog from recliner where I am typing this saying, SAMMY MOFFITT get your BUTT in your cage right now.... If this did not ellicit an immediate response no matter what sort of look he gives me I would have calmly put my laptop on the table next to me and launched myself onto the couch and pinned the dog WWF style to the cushion. Then I would have picked up the pooch and fun lovingly body slammed him into the cushions a couple of times to let him I know I mean business when I talk and then I would drag him to his cage and toss him into it. LOL....

Its a good thing that I am worn out from the Pro FORM 545E elliptical trainer. The only energy I have left is in my arms and fingers which allows me to type this madness. LOL...

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