Sunday, November 02, 2003

What are you doing right now? I am in front of the television watching the South Carolina Panther and Texas Texans NFL football game. Thus far this looks like a pretty close game. The score now is 7 to zero with Carolina leading the game. I am not what you would call a football fanatic but I do like to follow the Dallas Cowboys when they manage to to win a few games. This year Dallas is 5 wins with 2 losses so that means that they are doing much better than their performance over the last four or five years. Today Dallas and the Redskins will go head to head. Dallas usually wins the match when they are playing at home so we shall see if they can come off their loss to the Bucaneers last week and play some football.

The weather outside is 80 degrees with no clouds in the sky. Katy announced it is Happy Nappy time (2pm) after feeding her brood a yummy lunch. The weather is nice, the doors and windows are open and the children are outside enjoying the wonderful weather.

Did I tell you that we live close to the Charleston International airport? The airport shares runways with the Air Force Base and the LARGE transport planes (C17's?)that fly out of there sometimes fly so low they rattle my eye teeth. I have heard of eye teeth before but is there such a thing?

Ok, it is half time and I think that it IS Happy Nappy time. I need to recharge my batteries in time for the Cowboys Redskins game.

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