Thursday, September 04, 2003

Blogspeak is now fully installed and operational

Ok, I have done it now. :) You can now "comment" on my "drivel". The old addage says you have not because you ask not. Patty asked and now her request was made reality. Technology is pretty amazing. The only down side to technology is it is driven by our feeble human minds.
That means that sometimes technology is not meant for the task at hand or if it is it might not work when you expect it to. :)

I look forward to your comments. I have the ability to edit your comments and DELETE them if I deem it necessary. In other words please be sure to leave the type of comments that will "encourage" and "motivate" others to love and good deeds. I certainly do not expect everyone on the planet to subscribe to my thought processes or agree with any of the decisions that I have made down the road of life. On the other hand please realize that when you are entering into my Web Log that you are an invited guest and all I ask is for you to mind your manners. :)

Whew, I hate saying stuff like that but you know how it is. Before I know it I will have someone telling me what an idiot I am. I know this because I have been the recipient of this type of "encouragement" both on Fidonet and Usenet Newsgroups in the past. If you have read any of my blogs up to this point you know that I am up front and personal. My life is an open book. I do not mince words and I do not sugar coat anything. I try to be as REAL as I can possibly be. When I do that sometimes I offend people and they take the opportunity to let me know every chance they get.

There is more to come folks since I have not written about the events of this weekend or the last couple of days. Every day is a story. You just have to be willing to put it to words. I will return shortly after my run to town to take care of business this morning.


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