Thursday, September 04, 2003

blogging for beginners!

blogging for beginners!

Patty told me just today that she has a friend who is mildly interested in reading my blog (must be bored) and possibly starting one of her own. My oh my, I have started something now. :)

This link will give you an article "blogging for beginners" that has some very good information on it. Please take the time to read through it and if you have any problems or questions send me an e-mail. I personally use Blogger Pro on the hosting side with and I used w.bloggar which is a windows application that allows me to write down my drivel without having to be logged on to the site. w.bloggar has all of my account settings in a control file and it automagically logs me on and publishes my drivel when I am done. w.bloggar also has a built in spell check and the ability to add graphics.

There are MANY different types of web log applications and services out there. They range from FREE to very little cost. As for me, I am happy with what I use and it gives me the opportunity to bang on the keyboard and share my thoughts with friends like you.

God bless

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