Sunday, July 21, 2002

It is always good to return home even if it is from a mountain top experience. The thing about mountain top experiences is that they are useless if you do not appy those things that you have learned to practical every day living.

In 1994 I went to a Promise Keepers event and that was a mountain top experience that caused me to ultimately come under attack by the enemy. I came under heavy condemnation by the devil as he showed me that there is NO way that I could ever become the man that God wanted me to be. Satan is a liar and a deceiver. He is right that I in my own flesh and ability and sin nature can not become who God wants me to be. The only way that I can become the man God wants me to be is to strip myself of all ties to this world and to submit myself to Him and learn how to be a servant leader to God, Family and church. As I submit myself to God and to being a servant leader in my home then God will be able to mold me and shape me into His image.

Promise Keepers 2002 was just as incredible as 1994 in that it was a mountain top experience and I came away with a lot of meat to chew on for the next year. In this next couple of weeks I will pour over my notes and pick out those things that God showed me and share them with you. I know that I have some adjustments to make especially in the area of being a servant leader. I know that I have some areas of pride with regards to being a servant leader in my home that I need to work on. One of the simple ways that I can improve my being a leader in my home by serving my family such as giving up the remote control and letting the family watch what they want to watch while I am there.
Instead of making my family a gopher (go for this and go for that ) I should get off my lazy duff and go do it myself for a change. Sometimes the small things make a world of difference.

Well, it is time to be the Godly Man and leader that I should be and lead my family into the face of God by taking them to church. More good stuff to come folks, please stay tuned to this channel.

God bless

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