Thursday, July 18, 2002

I went to bed at 10:30 pm after taking a wonder drug called a sleeping pill. I have always said that sleep is such a huge waste of time. How many years do we waste lying flat on our back taking up oxygen and being useless? LOL.... I figure that I could get a LOT accomplished during the hours that I am spending sleeping. Then again, I dont waste a lot of time sleeping since I am up at 2 am after 4.5 hours of sleep. The same thing happened to me last night. Go to bed at 12:30 am and get up at 5 am to go to work. I work 6 am until 2:30 pm at the Weapons Station. Some afternoons I am able to sleep for several hours and that helps to recharge the batteries. I tried to get a nap today and no such luck.

I am taking off from work on Friday and heading out to Raleigh NC for a Promise Keepers event. I am looking forward to being blessed by the ministry of Godly men at this event and enjoying being around alot of other godly men. My last PK attendance was in 1994 at Irving stadium in Irving Texas. There were 50,000 men in attendance. What an awesome 2.5 days that was. You could say it was a mountaintop experience.

August 5 will be here before we know it. That will be exactly one year since our Jessica has been absent in the body and present with the Lord. It is so hard to believe that this has happened. It is almost like a horrible nightmare that never happened. Then again we are reminded that the nightmare is an actual reality since she is not here anymore.

I have been attending a mens bible study and accountability group on Thursday evenings for the last couple of weeks. Some of the men go to Cathedral of Praise on Ashley Phosphate rd and some of them go to area churchs. Derek Smith, who lives close to me has started this group and started to invite me to come. We began to visit COP several weeks ago and really enjoyed it. I think that we plan to continue to attend on the Saturday evenings that we have available. The children seem to enjoy the childrens ministry there.
Our home church, Grace Fellowship in Goose Creek seems to be struggling with attendance still. It seems as if we take one step forward and go back three steps.

I was blessed by an annual raise of 3% today. Wahooooo. That is something to Praise the Lord about. Ok, it is 3:15 am and 5:30 is right around the corner. I am going to sign off shortly and go back to bed......

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