Thursday, February 14, 2002

General drivel

Well, the jury is out and SPAM Killer is dead. I ripped it out by the roots. Is the application useless? No, as a matter of fact it DOES block a LOT of spam. Sadly enough I get so much of it that I spend more time configuring filters in Spam Killer than I do getting to read the e-mail I am interested in.
Outlook 2000 and Outlook Express both give you the ability to block junk e-mail even if it does not kill it at the server itself. The moral of the story goes like this. NEVER register your e-mail address with a SINGLE website if you do NOT want to be spammed. Internet entrepenuers are shameless in their quest for the almighty dollar and if that means that they fill up your inbox with worthless drivel they will.

On the way back from getting luch today I had a guard ask me where Jesus was. I did not figure this out later but they were talking about the license plate that I have on front of my Lincoln. It says Buckle up with Jesus. I guess the guards were bored and thought they would have fun with me for a moment. I made sure not to tell them that Jesus was in the trunk. That would have cost me an hour at the security office with my car getting searched.

Our pastor lost a dear friend to cancer this last Friday and he headed up to Illinois to do the funeral. Pastor Tom asked me to take his place at the pulpit this last weekend and it looks like I will be doing it again this Sunday after finding out that the engine in Pastor Tom's suburban. When it rains, it pours.
We need to pray for a good deal on a decent engine and a safe return for Pastor Tom as well as the situation with the family that lost their dad and husband.

I was hoping to set up a distribution list for dads who are grieving the loss of a child. Thus far I have not gotten much response, if any.
Well, you are not going to believe this but I think I just ran out of something to drivel about. Over and out !

James Moffitt
Jesus Connect Ministries

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