Sunday, January 13, 2002

Houston, I believe our problems have been resolved with regards to I am so happy to see that my frustration level over has been lessened. That means that our friend EV is sleeping a little better as well. EV is apparently the one man show who keeps alive. I can relate to this since I work hand in hand with my friend Reynold over at Jesus Connect and keep what we are doing afloat every day. You would be AMAZED at how much time, energy, talent and WORK goes into providing this kind of service to the cybercitizens of the world. I forgot to say CASH didn' I??

I talk to folks all the time that are looking for FREE stuff off the Intenet both in regards to software but also services. People have this misconception that just because the World Wide Web makes cyberspace appear to be a cyber mall that everything should be either free or cheap. The problem with that misconception is that everything that you see in cyberspace was created by a programmer and maintained by a web master or network administrator or sometimes all three of those folks working together. That does not mention the servers that are used to host that service or product on the Internet and the costs of running those servers.

Dont get me wrong here. I enjoy surfing the web like the next guy and if given a choice I would rather test out some shareware product that is much cheaper to purchase a license for before I shell out hundreds of bucks for a commercial product that might very well be over hyped. The advantage to purchasing over hyped software from a commercial vendor is that you are going to possibly get better tech support and free upgrades for a year and with the shareware software that is out there you might not get fast response or upgrades.

EV, my hat goes off to you just as it does any other cyberspace citizen who provides a free service or product to us cybercitizens. God bless you my friend.

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