Sunday, August 23, 2009

Seacoast West Ashley Campus and Picture Perfect

Today also marked the first day in 2 weeks in which all of my joints are not hurting me. I spent some time at Healthfirst in N Charleston talking to the doctor and having my meds switched up to give me some optimal relief. It appears that the blood pressure meds I was on was contradicting the other anti inflammatory drugs that were being prescribed and I did not know it until I plugged those drugs in on I am so thankful for the power of information available to me on the Internet.

Today marked our first visit at Seacoast West Ashley Campus church. We moved to Johns Island back in May of this year and we have been going back and forth to Grace Fellowship Church in Goose Creek. Actually, I have been struggling with letting go of my old church home because I love and care for the people I just spent 9 years of my life with on every Wed night and Sunday morning and all of the special events in between. Grace Fellowship was and still is a small family oriented group of folks who seek to serve God in any way that they can. They have been such a huge blessing to me and my family.

My family has been slowly and methodically encouraging me to let go and get on with our lives on Johns Island which includes finding a church home closer to home that we can attend and serve. Change is always scary especially since it means meeting new people and becoming known. I love to sing on the praise team and I love helping to manage technology so at any new church you have to become known and then you have to become qualified to be allowed to do most things. The important thing is that if you are part of a family or an organization there are rules and standards that are set in place for a reason. If you are going to be a part of the system then you have to be willing to follow those standards even if you may not totally agree with them. Ministry takes a team effort and most of that effort is getting along with others and playing well in the sand box. No one likes a “know it “all or someone who insists on doing it there way.

The service today was a little bit different than what we are used to but not in such a way that we were uncomfortable. I could tell from the stage and the sound booth that we would need to sit about halfway back even though I wanted to sit on the second row so I could really see what was going on. The music was loud but it was not over bearing. The music was contemporary and maybe even some of the songs were very new to me since I had never heard of them. I noticed that there were no screens in the back for the singers to see the words but I think that they had little pedestals in front of them where they could refer to the songs if they needed to which is good.

I was surprised to see that the message “Picture Perfect” was delivered via telecast to the big screen by the main pastor in another location. At first it was sort of weird but I have seen this before so I warmed right up and listened intently to what he had to say. The focus of the message was families and family pictures. The message was about how family pictures are more than just the photos but what goes on behind the scenes and almost never reflects any of the problems or issues that the family members may be facing or have faced in the past.

The pastor went on to expound on how the choices we have made in the past cause us to live through consequences now and can have consequences for generations to come. He spoke about the importance of making good choices and to think about long term consequences and not just the here and now. It was a very good message and service and I would encourage you to download their podcast if you have time to listen to it.

All in all today has been a very good day since I feel much better physically and that has helped me to feel better mentally, spiritually and emotionally. I am looking forward to the new week and what it has to offer. I will be spending a lot of my evening hours studying all four of my class materials which will be pretty new to me after being out of school for 29 years. I can do it!!!

James Moffitt

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