Monday, May 04, 2009

Will I ever learn?

Sunday May 3rd was not very fun, especially in the morning around 9:15 am. At that time I hopped into the SUV and started it up. I was waiting for my teenagers to join me for our weekly trip to church. When I looked down at my console I noticed that my brown glasses case that is normally there was gone. I sat there and wondered if I had taken it inside and forgotten to bring them back out with me. I then opened up the middle console that has a lid between the driver and passenger seat and noticed that my brown wallet was missing. That is when panic set in and I hopped out of the truck to go back inside the house.

I went inside the house and sure enough no brown glasses case or wallet anywhere to be found. My worst fears were confirmed as I realized that these things were missing. I would have sworn that I had locked the doors to the SUV with my keyfob that is on my key chain like I always do. When I hit the lock button there is a audible tweet through the horn that lets me know the vehicle has responded. Maybe I had a senior moment and left the vehicle unlocked all night long and someone was walking through the property trying car doors to see what was unlocked.

The weird thing about all of this is that I had a TomTom GPS on the windshield, a Bearcat Police Scanner and a Garmin handheld GPS in a bag in the back that was not touched. The Sherriffs deputy told me that the thief probably thought that the glasses case was a pair of nice sun glasses and that is why those were taken. The wallet had a sum total of 23.00 and a bunch of other worthless items to anyone else other than myself.

I know, I should never leave my wallet in the SUV whether it is locked or not. For whatever reasons I have fallen victim to a feeling of false security where I live. I personally do not believe that anyone who lives in the townhomes with my family are the ones doing the stealing. This place caters to professionals and the rent is not cheap. I would think that most people where I live can more than afford what they need and they dont need to steal things. I think that what is happening is that thieves from a neighboring subdivision are walking through the property scoping things out and then they come back and steal.

If it is not nailed down it can and will be stolen. I learned that the hard way several weeks ago when both of our used bycycles were stolen off of our front porch. Together the bikes probably were worth about 10.00 so it is not like it was a huge financial loss. I guess someone needed the bikes more than we did. The financial loss is not what really makes me mad. What makes me mad is the inconvenience of having to go to the DMV and get a new drivers license and having to spend hours on the phone canceling all the plastic in my wallet and having to have new cards and id’s issued. It also irritates me that I feel so violated and that someone would have the gall to go into my SUV and steal what they wanted.

Lesson is learned, no more valuables left in the SUV over night. It all goes inside now.

James Moffitt

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