Thursday, November 06, 2008

Out with the old and in with the new

Did the 2008 Presidential election turn out the way you wanted it to? As for me and my house the answer is no. Despite the fact that our candidate lost I am comforted in knowing two things. The first thing is that God is still in control. Who God is and his word remains the same no matter who the world leaders are. The second thing that I realize is that the new president will not have any more or any less ability to fix things than the president before them. Yes, the president is a very important person in our form of democratic government however they are not a dictator and they do not have absolute authority as to what goes on. I was telling a friend of mine the other day that instead of voting for a president during the next election what we need to do as a nation is go to capital hill with a bucket full of pink slips for all of the corrupt and lobbyist dollar chasing law maker in office. I think if we fired all of those people and replaced them with some folks who still believe that the law makers and decision makers are supposed to be working for their constituents. I know, the chances of that happening are about as slim as hell freezing over.

James Moffitt

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