Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Relationship Evangelism

How do we reach people for Christ and fulfill the great commission? I submit to you that we do it through relationship evangelism. In years past our mentality has been that if we build it they will come. We build the church building and the church programs and then open the church doors and the masses will come to us. Over the centuries that thinking has been forced to evolve. The problem with that thinking is that going to church is no longer an activity that is as important to the family unit as it once was.

One of the reasons for that is because as time has marched on there has been a continual erosion of the family unit and an increasingly dangerous trend to redefine what the family unit really is. Over the years technology has increased and the ability for our being entertained has increased as well. In other words there are many more distractions in this day and age. There are more fun things to do than to go to church.

There are several ways to attract people to church. One way is to market the programs that you have created in the hopes that they will come and that you can provide them with whatever it is that they are looking for. Different people and different families have different needs. It is almost impossible to provide for all of those needs. Some mega churches who have lots of members and ample funds for these programs are more successful than some smaller churches. It is almost impossible for smaller churches to compete with the mega churches due to the lack of funding it takes to run them.

Be sure to visit the link above to see the rest of this article on my associated content website. Thanks

James Moffitt

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