Monday, April 17, 2006

In Loving Memory of Norman Clifford Orvin

January 12, 1947 - April 14, 2006
A member of Grace Fellowship Church since 1977, serving as an adult Sunday School Teacher. A USAF Vietnam war veteran and retiree from the Charleston Naval Shipyard. Mr. Orvin is survived by Donice, Mark, Jason and Amy.

This afternoon our church is burying one of our long standing members, Norman Clifford Orvin. I did not know brother Orvin very well but I do know that he expressed a genuine love for God and as long as his health permitted it he was in the pews singing and praising right along with the rest of us. Brother Orvin was 59 years old when he passed from this life into the heavenlies. We know that we know that he has received a permanent healing and a new body. No longer will brother Orvin have to use a walker to get around and the pain of arthritis is now gone. We have the assurance of salvation knowing that brother Orvin trusted in the gift of Grace. I helped to run the sound during the service that was held in our sanctuary and then there was a prosessional heading for somewhere in Moncks Corner SC which is about 20 miles north of Charleston.

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