Tuesday, April 05, 2005

God forbid, the ACLU is upset again

A relative of mine who is a long time Marine sent me a picture of many marines with their heads bowed and eyes closed as they prayed during some sort of government led ceremony. Supposedly the ACLU is up in arms about this and hollering about the separation of church and state. Well, let me say this for the record. I do not know IF this is a true story or not. What I do know is that the ACLU certainly is VERY active in doing what they can to destroy faith based ACTIONS of believers in Christ. How long will it be before our government outlaws our basic fundamental rights to own a bible and attend our local churches or hold bible studies in our own homes? Think about it folks... Our faith is not the most popular thing going.... I am talking about christians who believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that he died on the cross for the sins of the world past present and future. Is Jesus Christ the saviour of the world and Lord or not? Everyone has to answer that question for him and herself. Anyway, here is my response to the relative who sent me this e-mail this morning.
Actually I find that the ACLU is the puppet of the devil aka the prince of darkness or god of this world as we know it. The world as we know it is hell bent on destroying itself and it is largely due to the influences of our master deceiver himself. The ACLU wants us to ignore our creator and focus entirely on the things of this world and for us to be our own gods. After all, in their mind, our right wing fundamentalist conservative bible based faith is based on nothing but fairy tales. Do you know why the ACLU has so much influence on the things of faith today? It has this much influence because the church as we know it is fat, lazy , lethargic and sleepy. We are too comfortable in our churches, pews and programs to do what it takes to be heard. We dont want to upset the apple cart and we certainly do not want to sacrifice our creature comforts to stand on what we believe. How important is our faith anyway? How much are we willing to invest? Time, talents, money, faith are all necessary tools that we must be willing to invest. Sin is so rampant in our world and no longer in the closet because the church is no longer affecting the world around it. Our church's have ministers/pastors that spend too much time preaching a watered down feel good theology that tells people that it is ok, God loves you and there is no such thing as a literal hell and we certainly don't want to scare you into heaven or for you to leave because we want and need your tithe money.

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