Sunday, November 07, 2004

The leaves are falling

As chicken little would say "the sky is falling, the sky is falling". Except in this case it is "the leaves are falling, the leaves are falling". The leaves on the trees are turning golden brown and are slowly coming off their branches. The temperature right now is 46 F with clear skys and a slight wind. I am SO HAPPY that the dog days of summer are turning into Fall days instead.

The new job has certainly kept me busier than anyone expected. I was told that when my predeccesor was there for the last 4 or 5 weeks that things were DEAD. That certainly is not the case with me. I have been busier than a one armed man in a windmill having a paper hanging contest. I have been doing everything from PC repair to helping customers with Network connectivity and services problems. The challenge has been to go from being out of Information Technology for a year and a half to wading back into it with both feet hitting the ground running. The other day I had to go to a customer site with an Exchange 2000 server down. The company had been without e-mail most of the day and they were depending on Advantec Global Services to help them get it back online. My boss , who is the senior engineer here in Charleston, was out of town so I hopped in the car and ran over there to help the client. Between myself, two engineers at the client site and a Microsoft engineer on the phone we were able to resolve the problem. It appears that the Exchange Information store that holds all the e-mail for the company had exceeded its 16 GB limit and therefore crashed. We wound up doing a change in the registry on that server to give Exchange an extra GB of space for the database so that the company could temporarily get the e-mail server back online and empty out some folders to reduce the size of the database. All in all it was a sucess and the customer was back in business with e-mail services and it was a learning experience for all that were involved. When the call originated earlier that morning I had guessed correctly what the problem was but was unable to give them the answer they needed to fix the problem. Now, I know how to fix it. :)

I am happy to report that the Ford Escort Station wagon that Katy is driving is holding together nicely (knock on wood) and that my Cadillac has not developed any mechanical failures in the last two week. PRAISE GOD for that folks!! With us working 4 jobs between the two of us we have NO time to be messing with car repairs. I am still searching for a better car for me because I know that I know that my high mileage car is eventually going to need some more maintenance to keep it running. Hopefully I can find something before the Caddy breaks again. It appears that when I can put together between 1000 and 1500.00 that I will be able to get into a much newer car. Until then we will just have to manage.

I am SO HAPPY that the political advertisements have FINALLY stopped. Whew, how ugly is that? How could any of us believe or understand who was the best candidate with all of that negative propaganda being thrown at us from every imaginable advertising source.
As for me, it was a bit overwhelming to say the least. I am just glad it is over for the next four years. :)

Well, enough of this drivel, it is time to get ready for church and back to the work grind for the week. Hope all goes well with you and yours and that you folks have a wonderful week. Remember that God loves you and so do we!!

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