Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Car repairs are us

Here I sit waiting once again for Spivey's wrecker service. The Cadillac is dead and Katy's Chevy needs the brakes repaired. The pads are probably worn down to nothing and the rotors are probably deeply grooved. That means new rotors and pads. So much for having a few extra dollars to last us until next payday. How am I going to pay for two car repairs? LOL... God knows we need a miracle. Maybe he will bless us with the fact that the car repairs are not going to be as much as I am afraid that they will be. It looks like I might even have to miss a day at work over this whole mess which is not a good thing. We can not afford to miss one single day from work. One thing at a time though, got to get the cars to the shop and find out what is what. No sense in pushing the panic button until they tell me the repair is more than I have to spend. LOL... Like I ever have money for car repairs.... It is like the old saying, you either pay for the vehicle in payments or in repairs to keep them running. Go figure.....


Anonymous said...

Wren from Montreal, Canada

You have a very nice blog.

Sorry to hear about your Cadillac.

James Moffitt said...

Thank you for your kind comments. My car is out of the shop and running once again. :) Wahooooo