Wednesday, January 28, 2004

What does our doublewide look like?

I WAS going to share BEFORE and AFTER pictures of the "cleaning" experience BUT someone "family" had 51 images sitting on the digital camera and it was OUT of memory to add more. #$%^%$&*(*&^%$. Somehow, I am the ONLY person in this family that knows HOW to remove the pictures off the camera and export them to the main computer....

ANYWAY, I did my thing today and transferred the older pictures off the camera and made room for the new ones. The following pictures are the AFTER pictures of a clean doublewide trailer. Wahooooo

I know, I need to take the mattress and bed fram leaning up against the porch to the county dump.... I will do it soon!!!

CLEAN trailer......

Close Up of clean trailer.....

You know you must be a redneck if you see this at the end of your street...

Go up the hill, go around old oak tree and land on pavement to find civilization

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