Tuesday, October 07, 2003

My first sale!!

Today was a day for celebration as I was able to complete my very first sale for ADT. Splash N Dash Car Wash on 109 Redbank Rd in Goose Creek. Wahoooo!!

Splash N Dash Car Wash

I told you about Paul Bunyon and his family getting a new home but I failed to show you some pictures. Now that our Jesus Connect Domain server is feeling better I uploaded a couple of "select" shots for your viewing pleasure.

The first half that was delivered

The second HALF of the new home being brought into place

The front of the new home!

Did I tell you that I have a NEW found respect for sales people? LOL.... Now that I ARE ONE I can tell you that the chosen profession is certainly NOT a cake walk. I do have a new found respect for folks that have chosen to do sales for a living. As I have been told in the last 3 weeks, there are those folks that stumble through the day to day activities of being a sales person with no real game plan and then there are those professionals who have studied the ART of selling and have learned to put together a game plan that they can follow which in turn should bring them a measure of success.

I spent 1.5 weeks in the office learning what I needed to learn to get started in my training process. I spent last Thursday and Friday cold calling and wound up with 45 contacts to follow up on. I was rewarded with 4 proposals to submit and one of them has already turned into a sale. I may have another one tomorrow and I have a promise for a Burglar Alarm sale next week. The hardest part of the whole process is learning the paperwork and the work flow process. Getting into the office , doing what has to be done and getting the heck out of Dodge to do the FUN stuff which is finding those ever elusive customers.

Did I mention my Trainer/Mentor/friend who's name we will leave anonymous to protect him from any laughter that might spawn from my comments ABOUT him. Lets see, we have Paul Bunyon, the lady in the shoe and now we need to come up with an alias for my mentor/trainer/friend. For now lets just call my mentor and trainer "AWANA MAN". Some of you might be wondering what Awana stands for and WHY I am calling him this. Here is a link to educate you on WHAT the Awana program is for.

This link will tell you ABOUT the AWANA program

I know Awana Man because of my friendship to Paul Bunyon across the street. Paul Bunyon and his children and my children all attend the same Awana program and Paul Bunyon and Awana man attend the same church where this program is being held. Therefore I know and work with this mentor/trainer/friend. Lest I forget, let me also tell you that both of these men are Awana LEADERS in their church.

The first thing that I noticed about Awana Man is that he is about 6' 6" tall. That means that I have to look up at his slightly balding head and receding hair line. I also noticed that when I am around Awana man that I do not feel as if I am the largest man on the planet with regards to my girth. Awana man and I share this endearing quality. I had to laugh when I first saw Awana Man's work badge which was hung from his rear view mirror in the FORD truck that he loves dearly. Gosh, I proclaimed to my friend, you look like a CONVICT in that picture. It is no wonder he does not ever put the ID on when he is going to visit a new customer.

The most important thing about my relationship to Awana man other than our girth is that he shares my ability to be shy, mild mannered and meek. I really have to prod and poke and shove on Awana man to get him to share what is on his mind. It is a wonder he is successful at being in sales. (Pausing for the laughter....)

It is a GOOD thing that my new found friend/mentor/trainer at work does not go online and read my BLOG.... Excuse me for a second. I can see the Lady in the shoe pointing her mouse at the PRINT icon on her desktop. HEY stop that..... Dont ruin my fun, ok?? hahahahahaha

I hear my slightly worn but ever so comfortable recliner calling my name. I will have to shooo that animal farm away or out of the chair , heck, I might have to coax Gizmo out of it as well. Hummmmm the couch does look appealing too. Maybe I could curl up there for a long winters nap.....

Sweet dreams one and all! You can stick a fork in me, I am done!

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