Saturday, December 14, 2002

I feel my blood going hot here. I find myself surrounded by people that are professing Christians who are experts at describing what a problem is but not as adept at finding a solution to the problems that have been infecting our society for centuries.

Our world is being invaded by an infestation on multiple planes and the best that we can all do is complain about it and describe it in all of our fantastic verbiage.

Don't get me wrong folks. We need to IDENTIFY the problem. Now we need to do the next thing, which is to do SOMETHING about it. My question to each of us is simple. WHY is pornography so rampant in our society? Why is SEX such a commodity? Why does the church of the living God stand by quietly while church members are sucked into this evil lifestyle and when they admit they need help it is swept under the rug and they are told that their behaviour is normal. When is the church of the living God going to direct and train their membership to true accountability and restoration?

How many churches in America are modeling the BPM program like that of Central Church in Tenn? Why aren't there more men of God who are taking this program to the streets and the churches of America?

How many of us are spending more time fighting the sexual addiction in our own lives in a topsy turvy roller coaster ride vs finding true victory and helping others to be restored?

We have the knowledge. We have the technology and we have the leadership and the finances. We need to figure out how we can use what God has given us to ERADICATE this garbage from the church of the living God FIRST and then when those folks are fired up and out of the closet and restored then we can form an ARMY of the living God that we are supposed to BE and go crash down the GATES OF HELL.

I am sick of just talking about this. Who amongst us is willing to spend their money, time and talents to actually do more than wallow in sexual sin and mere acknowledgement of the issue?

Yes, Battle Plan Ministries is here. Setting the Captives Free is alive and well. Love in Action is alive and well. How many other PROGRAMS do you know of that are in place and doing their part to put a dent in this problem? My point is simple. God does not need a program. God needs YOU and ME to be willing to stand up for what we believe in and take a REAL STAND in our communities.

I submit to you that the church of the living God is way too passive, complacent and weak to make a dent in most of the problems we see plaguing our society. What about our leadership? Where are our Under Shepherds in all of this? Why IS it that our church members are struggling with alcohol, drugs, sexual addiction, gambling and spousal abuse? Why IS it the church of the living God is not yanking all of this SIN out of the closet and doing something REAL to address the issues and call sin a sin and restore people to either righteousness or casting the garbage out of the church.

The answer to most of those questions should make us physically ill when we face the truth. We are way too happy in our suburban homes with our suburban lifestyles and our stuff. Why is it that only 10% of the church do 100% of the work? The world around us may not embrace a relationship with Christ. That doesn't mean that they are deaf, blind and dumb. They can watch and see how much effort is being put forth within our churches and what type of affect it is having in our lives Monday through Friday. If some of these issues really bothered us then would we not be willing to do something, anything to make a difference?

The sad fact of the matter is this. If the problem is not hitting close enough to home then we take the stance of indifference. We would rather make a fuss about our next door neighbors dog barking in the middle of the night causing us to loose sleep than to get out of our comfort zones and security bubbles to make a difference in real issues that are affecting our very way of life.

I submit to YOU my friends and co laborers in Christ that we are NOT doing enough. There are victims and predators all around us. Through the power of the living God we CAN and SHOULD be making a DIFFERENCE. The million dollar questions are as follows.

A. When will we get sick enough of being sick enough of the issues?
B. When will we pool our resources together and become a REAL church body that does what it takes to MAKE a real difference.

By myself I can not make a difference outside of the scope of my personal life or the life of my family. I can influence the people in the community that God has placed me in. I can move people emotionally and spiritually as I call them into battle. Only when we as brothers and sisters in Christ work together with the church leadership can we actually make a lasting difference in the world around us. Our leadership needs to be motivated to stop sweeping the problems under the rug. Our leadership needs to stop wasting our money on building programs and finding new ways to tickle the ears of the sinner's that are already taking up room in the church. Our leadership needs to be called into action to be the REAL church leaders that they are supposed to be so that they can lead US into the paths of righteousness for HIS NAMESAKE. Only then will the church of the living God make a lasting impression on this world.

What will you do to start this process? Whatever it is that you will do I want to network with you and help you in any way that I can. Together WE can and MUST make the difference. The world around us depends on us to do it whether they realize it or not.

Your servant leader
James Moffitt
Jesus Connect Ministries

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