Tuesday, February 05, 2002

Five months in Glory

Today's devotional from Unto the Hills with Billy Graham is entitled Behind the clouds

This is the paragraph that I highlighted out of this devotional as it applies to my life.

" Many times I have sat on our rustic front porch and watched the clouds below. I have thought of the clouds of discouragement and suffering that temporarily veil the sunlight of Gods love from us. Many people live with a cloud hanging over their lives. Some may be in hospital beds; others are suffering discouragement and bereavement. A heavy cloud hangs over them."

I believe that would accurately describe where we are at. We as in our family. Katy and I are painfully aware of the passing of time with regards to our new angel in heaven. Jessica has been gone now for five months. As much as I might try and forget it I can not. The memories are just too fresh. The emotions are too raw and the memories too poignant to even put them to words.

James Moffitt
Jesus Connect Ministries

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