Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Possums, Bluetooth, Anniversaries, walking , meditation and whatever else comes to mind....

I like to write when I am inspired to say something. When I do not write does that mean that I am not inspired or that I just don't have time to capture my thoughts and share them with you my reading audience? Maybe a little bit of both. Can you tell that I struggled with the "title" of todays drivel? LOL.... I always ask myself, "ok, what is the title for todays thoughts??". Today I just gave up and put keywords that I will probably write about and left it at that.

Today marks day two in which I got off my lazy behind and did something other than sit in front of my 21" NEC monitor and fight pop up ads and dodge the other myriad of marketing ads that assail me each day. I wonder if the marketing geniuses will ever figure out that we really do not care to KNOW about ALL of their products nor do we care to give up every single red cent that we work hard for just so we can say that we have this and that. I am sure that marketing is a numbers game and the more you get the message in front of US the more chances that we will open up our check book or give out our credit card numbers online. I guess I just get tired of the constant marketing blather. I am quite happy with how long or short my body parts are or are not. LOL... Really people, I understand that this is the age of coming out of the closet but I still think there are things that still belong there. KWIM?? There are things that REALLY ought not be a part of normal conversation between friends. Some things are just too private. Those things are to be dealt with between myself, God and perhaps the family doctor on occasion. No one else needs to know about it. The folks that create television ads and the sponsors that pay millions of dollars annually to talk about it during prime time TV are still clueless. Do we really want to hear a conversation between two grown adults about how they have overcome the stresses and trials of having genital herpes? I for one do not...

Anyway, I just chased a huge rabbit around the room and finally down the hole from whence it came from. :) Back to the exercise comment at the top of that paragraph. Yes, I walked with my wife yesterday and then I got up this morning at 7 am and walked again. Two days in a row and 3.2 miles later I managed to torture my body and forced it to do some exercise. In the war of overcoming obesity I understand that two days of victory does not mean that I have won the war. What it does mean is that for two days straight I have been victorious in the battle for two days to do what is right. The goal is less food intake and MORE exercise. Preferably aerobic exercise but for now the morning walks will have to do. I have not checked my pulse rate and I am not sure it goes up to 120 bpm but I am sure that it is much higher than what it would be if I was sitting here in front of the computer playing High Stakes Poker on Pogo.com. Runt ro, I just let it slip. Yes, I love to play poker on pogo.com. Play money folks, just play money for those of you that are wondering how in the world I can afford that. LOL... Everything is FREE other than the high speed Internet connection. No, that is not going anywhere if I can help it. Thus far today I ate honey nut cheerios and a banana for breakfast along with 2 cups of decaf coffee and for lunch Katy and I had a cup of rice and chicken soup and a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich. For supper I will have a can of Slimfast and a Slimfast bar.

I have found that walking and driving are excellent times for prayer and meditation and talking to God. It is also a wonderful time to listen for God to talk back and communicate to me something back. It is so easy to make demands and be greedy during prayer. It is yet another thing to take time to shut up and to listen for the voice of God. When you are driving your prayers are always interrupted by a need to ask God to protect you from the rest of the maniacs driving all around you. KWIM?? During my morning walks all I have to contend with is the messages being sent from my knees, ankles and feet and the sound of mother nature all around me. When was the last time you took the time to admire the leaves in a tree, the sounds of the different birds or the antics of frolicking squirrels?
We live such a high impact, high stress , task filled life. There are more things to do and demands on our time that we fail to take time for the things in life that are more important. The peace that passes all understanding and the Joy of the Lord does not happen when you are running at mach 2 with your hair on fire. The only way that we will enjoy or experience Joy or Peace is by taking the time to reconnect to Abba Father. You can do that in the 30 minutes that it takes to walk around the block or run on the tread mill. Maybe you ride a bicycle or go swimming. Whatever it is that you do that gives you an opportunity to connect with your creator I would suggest you try doing it on a regular basis. God will bless you by making himself known to you in the still quietness of your heart and He will bless you by manifesting himself all around you. When you tap into the power of God and His purposes for your life all of your task lists will diminish greatly and all of a sudden you will wonder why you have been allowing the junk of life to stress you out.

Today as I walked off of Riverside Drive onto Old Backriver Rd I encountered a possum. This particular possum did not make the nocturnal trip from one side of the road to the other. I am not sure what distracted him but it is obvious by the look on his face that he had something meet him in the middle of the road that he was not expecting.
This surprise encounter happened to end his life. I stood in the middle of the road for a few moments with my hands on my hips and took in the scene. I was reminded that life is but a season. Our lives are but a vapor. We are here today and gone tomorrow. I was also reminded that sometimes on the road of life we find ourselves just like the possum, this mornings road kill. We stand in the middle of the road with our mouths open and our eyes affixed on something we should not be looking at or thinking absent mindlessly about something that is not even important. I guess you could say that we are either running headlong into danger or we are sitting in neutral when we should be doing the exact opposite.

Life is full of road blocks. Life is full of pot holes and land mines that will do nothing more than to blow off your toes or wreck your little red wagon. How we navigate, how fast we navigate and how skillfully we navigate will determine our level of pain and success in crossing the road. I can see some of the possum in me. Only by the grace of God has God picked me up and closed my mouth and gotten my attention and put me back on the straight path. God has a way of focusing our minds on those things that are important and showing us how frivolous the tiny things of life really are. Things and entertainment are not what is important to God. God owns all the things and we all have more of those then we can manage already. God does not mind our being entertained from time to time but he certainly did not create us for the purpose of being mindlessly entertained. God created us for a purpose and that purpose is to worship Him in all that we do and say. Have you heard that our life is Gods gift to us and what we do with our life is our gift back to God? Think about the many opportunities we get during a day to give back to God and his creation all around us.

Tomorrow marks 14 glorious years of marriage to my wife Katy. It is hard to believe that through it all we are still together despite the challenges, trials and tribulations that we have endured. It is evident to me that Jesus must be in the center of our marriage because if it were up to me or Katy this marriage probably would have blown apart years ago. The power of God in our lives individually and as a family corporately is the glue that has held us together.
I thank God daily for my family. They are such a wonderful blessing to me. I would not want to imagine what life would be without them surrounding me. They increase the quality and quantity of my life exponentially. Thank you Jesus for my family and for my life that you have given me.

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